In this free guide you'll find...

Maps & Geography

Get an overview of Norway's map & geography with the main regions to travel to and what is specific about this country.

Region by Region

Norway is a vast and diverse country. In these pages, I detail what you can find in each region & I share with you some of my favourite experiences!

Seasons & Weather

Probably one of the trickiest part of the planning. To help you figuring this out, I detail the different seasons, weather tendencies, daylight,...

Getting around

There are many ways to travel around Norway and I have listed for you the main options with their good and bad sides!

What to expect?

One of the most important to me! Having the right expectations is the key to enjoy your Adventure. In this section, I give you a few disclaimers & advices for that.

Some of my best advices!

Overall, I share some of my best advices that I often give my clients to help them deciding & creating their own Adventure.

Do you have a question? Get in touch!